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More Charming Hostess.

Well, since a couple of people expressed interest about CH to me
privately, I thought there might be other lurkers out there who were
interested, but weren't saying so (at least not yet).  So I'm going to
play amateur publicist again and provide a bit more Charming Hostess
info.  I'll keep it fairly brief.

First off, there are two recent (positive) reviews of their debut CD,
"Eat," available online.  The first is from the SF Weekly (with sound
samples!), and the other is from the San Francisco Bay Guardian:

Also, their record label, Vaccination Records (
has a web site for them:

and you can order their CDs online at:

You can also reach the band by email at charmed (at) macconect(dot)com(dot)  
have lots of merchandise available for sale, including T-shirts, aprons,
and, *ahem*, panties (complete with slogan and logo!).

And please note that I don't speak for the band in any way, shape or
form.  I'm just a fan...


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