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Holiday Music -- not Hanukah!

Dear fellow Jewish music-types

I am putting together a sampler of possible material for my rabbi --
what I am looking for is songs either Yiddish or Hebrew appropriate to
Tu Bi-Shevat and Shabbat Shira. (I have already got plenty for Yom
Ha-Shoah and Yom Ha-Atzmaut.) And I am open to suggestion. 

A little background may help. We have a pianist and a small volunteer
choir -- nine or ten voices, only three men, no true basses although
both the baritones can just about pass. The pianist is an excellent
musician, so if I can get her either sheet music or a recording of
something apposite, she can handle it. The choir (and the hazzanim, who
are also volunteers, usually choir members) are a mixed bag -- several
can't read and only a few are really sharp sightreaders, so recordings
are helpful; but not essential, because we all have pretty decent ears. 

Anyway, that's your assignment, should you choose to accept it. If you
or any of your IMF (Ivrit Music Force) are killed or capture, the
secretary will disavow any knowledge of your last three records.

Many thanks and gut yuntif to all,
George Robinson

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