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Re: Holiday Music -- not Hanukah!

Sheldon Levin wrote:
> There are several books from Ashbourne music which exactly fits the needs
> you described.  Call them at 216-782-1374.
> Tara Music 1-800-TARA-400 and Transcontinental music 212 650-4101 also
> have many collections and octavos which fit your needs. I especially
> recommend 2 collections and arrangements by Silbermintz from TARA>
> The Cantors Assembly sells a book on how to develop a synagogue choir and
> sample music for Shabbat which I edited. Its called the Choral Sampler
> and contact them by e-mail at CAOffice (at) jtsa(dot)edu
> BTW I applaud your lay people's volunteer efforts and hope they are
> qualified to be Baalei Tefillah (masters of prayer) or even Shlichei
> Tzibbur (messengers or representatives of the community) but I would
> hesistate to call anyone with the qualifications you described a Hazzan.
> The reform movement will only let a ordained cantor to use the title
> cantor others are called soloists.  The conservative movement has no such
> stipulations but I hope that unqualified individuals would not call them
> Hazzan.
> Cantor Sheldon M. Levin
> slevin (at) mciunix(dot)mciu(dot)k12(dot)pa(dot)us

Cantor Levin's point on nomenclature is well-taken. Generally in any
official description we are referred to as baalei t'filah and shlichei
tzibur. In a recent reference letter, one officer referred to me as a
cantorial soloist (although given my musical attainments, even that
seems rather exalted!)

Many thanks for the suggestions.

George Robinson

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