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Re[2]: Jewish Classical Composers

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Subject: Re: Jewish Classical Composers 
Author:  <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org > at tcpgate
Date:    11/28/97 7:00 AM

B"H Kiryas Arba


In Germany and Switzerland, they've divided music into two categories, 
U-Musik and E-Musik,
Unterhaltung (entertainment) and Ernst (serious). 

Indeed.  I recently viewed a 35 year old re-run of Leonard Bernsteins' musical 
show for youngsters (I forget the title) and he made a 10 minute drosho on why 
it should be called EXACT music and not:
Classical, long-haired, high-brow, etc. etc.
My usage of classical (small c, generic) is simply another usage for ERNST. 
While Classical (upper case C, specific) would refer to the era of the Classical
composers  (eg Mozart, Beethoven, etc.)

Also note, that some Jewish composers (eg Lewandowski) despite lvigin in what 
might be termed the romatnic era, drew heavily from compositions from the 
Classical era.

And another footnote, I have been fortuante in that I am able to incorporate 
Handel's (a baroque composer, I believe) Oratorio from Judaeus Maccabeus during 
our Shabbos Chanukkah service.  I say fortunate, since my congreagation has been
conditioned to hearing ERNST MUSIK (eg by Lewnadowski), a Handel composition 
fits right in with the general mode.    


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