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Re: Re: Celtic shmeltic

>Riverdance  -- Fiddler on the Roof...  What's the difference?
>Schmaltz is Schmaltz.

One person's schmaltz is another's chocolate chip maccaroon (which I love).
And one person's Tevye is another's classical violinist, and one person's
Broadway musical is a concert spinoff of a PBS TV show dealing with the class
differences between Jewish musicians in Victorian England called "Upstairs
Shmupstairs In the Fiddler's House."

>One noticable difference between "In the Fiddler on the Roof's House" and
>"Riverdance" is which half of the body remains motionless during
>performance. This is intended as a value-free observation, not a cheap,
>tasteless crack at the expense of the great Celtic bowslinger Ike
>Bob Jacobson
Bob, your cheap, tasteless attempt to avoid the Celtic shmeltic curse that
struck down Beethoven in his prime has not fooled anyone. It is sort of
clearly stated that you must "_dignify_ [the question] with an answer" (my
italics -- or whatever... emphasis), you cannot simply "answer" the question
in such a way as to leave it undignified (i.e. silly -- or worse!). Hannibal
of Carthage tried a similar maneuver and ended up really really sorry about

Also, your praise of Itzhak Peterson is transparent IRA propaganda. Oh, BTW,
has this happened to anyone else: I'm walking down the street and I pass by a
newspaper box. Out of the corner of my eye I think I see a headline about
Seinfeld, but on examining it closer I find that it's really about Sinn Fein.
Then I'm disappointed.

>Possibly true, but in this case we're talking about four
>klezmer bands playing with Itzhak Perlman, the show being
>called "In the Fiddler's House." It =is= quite a bit 
>staged, but what I've heard has been quite nice ... even
>if Perlman is close to, but not quite playing klez.

No matter how many klezmer bands he had with him, there's no way Hannibal
could have won. He crossed the Alps with a bunch of elephants, for goodness'
sake. What was he running, a traveling circus?


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