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Re: Celtic/Klez

On Fri, 21 Nov 1997 Benjamin_Laden (at) peoplesoft(dot)com wrote:

> I know there was a Celtic/Klezmer concert somewhere in Wash DC area not
> long ago.

It was actually a couple of years ago now - The House of Musical
Traditions still carries the tape - which is quite good.

> outside its own ethnic group. Why is Celtic cool among non Celtics in a way
> that Jewish music hasn't really been able to do with non-Jews?

Well, there IS a Jewish radio program in the Washington DC area ( which,
if I must say so, is about as hip as a station can get) already - It's
Alana's Klezmer and Culture show - do we have non-Jewish listeners. Well,
yeah, mostly, in fact. It's a very hip, rockin' jazz influenced show, and
has big followers among - other DJs at the station, DJs at a couple of
other local stations, Russophiles ( why, I have no idea, maybe it's the
combination of jazz and eastern european that catches 'em - some Russian
modern stuff, or maybe it's the nearness of NSA)

Am I being self-promotional, well , yeah. But don't make the situation out
to be worse than it is. Plenty of Jews listen to the show too. 

Alana Suskin

Alana's Klezmer and Culture Show
12-1 Sundays
WMUC FM 88.1 College Park

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