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I know there was a Celtic/Klezmer concert somewhere in Wash DC area not
long ago.
Celtic music is one of those folk forms that found favor with audiences
outside its own ethnic group. Why is Celtic cool among non Celtics in a way
that Jewish music hasn't really been able to do with non-Jews?

The local hip radio staion, WXPN, has a regular weekly show called The
Unicorn, that features all Celtic music. When I called the programming
manager to try to sell him on the idea of a hip Jewish music show, he said
that if it came on, it would be like telling most of the listeners to
"screw off". I couldn't get him to see the hypocricy of doing an all Celtic
show, a Lesbian show, a Blues show, but feeling that a Jewish show might
somehow alienate his listeners. Need I tell you the ethnic origin of this
programming director? Yes of course, a Hebe, a self embarrassed Hebe.  Need
I venture a guess to the ethnic origin of many of the subscribers. My guess
is there are more Jews subscribing than either Celts or Lesbians
subscribing to WXPN.

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