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Re: What is Klezmer ?

>In a message dated 97-09-12 05:42:02 EDT, you write:
><< Yeah, I figure, maybe we'll hear songs like "Bei mir bist du shein"
> and "and the angels sing"! (Both non-klezmer that emerged from
> the pre-revival klezmer scene) >>
>Ari -
>Maybe not Bei Mir,   but "....angels sing" surely is rooted in Klezmer.
>Ziggy Elman took a Klezmer tune and arranged it into the big band tune.
>Check out Kammen Book #1  song #15, I believe.

Um, yes, that was my point--my original note was in satiric 
reference to some comment that implied that only in our age, 
post klezmer-revival, could klezmer influence popular music.

Of course, I think we'd all be thrilled to hear something
new in pop as wonderful as "... and the angels sing". We're
more likely to get rap klez, but times have changed.

(We do, on the other hand, have a klezmer musician, Alicia
Svigals, writing the non-klez "An Undoing World," though,
so our times are not without compensation.)

Forgive my awkward syntax in the original if it implied


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