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Funding ideas, anyone?

      After the wonderful response we got about the music of
Castelnuovo-Tedesco, my wife asked me to write again with another question.
 She's been talking for the past few months with some colleagues about doing
a CD of music by Jewish composers -- there's a contemporary composer
interested, but they haven't yet decided what to include.  Andrea's a
pianist, and the other two are a former flutist with the Israel Philharmonic
and a violinist who spent many years teaching at a conservatory here in the
U.S.  They've started looking for funding sources, and may have found some
partial funding overseas, but not enough to pay for the project.
       Anyone have any recommendations for ways to find interested groups
that might help fund such a project?  Anyone know any foundations that might
be interested?  The repertoire's still open; it could be one composer, or a
number of contemporary Jewish composers, or perhaps even a wider range.  Any
ideas what labels might be interested in this kind of project?  And lastly,
anyone have a good handle on what a realistic budget is for a single CD, with
three musicians playing, from recording through editing and producing a
master copy?
        Thanks in advance for any help!

Steve Albert (for Andrea Sokol-Albert)

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