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Sephardi music

No Rock Stars In This Thread!! Opera Stars Instead!!

In La Traviata, the aria "Addio" uses the same melody as the familiar
Ladino song "Adio Querida". Does anyone know if that is indeed where Verdi
got the melody? Any other examples of cross-pollination? For instance,
evidently Benedetto Marcello used Sefardi themes in at least some of his
Estro poetico-armonico. (is there a web-accessible paper on this topic?)

Last, I'm told that Monserrat Caballe has recorded some Sephardi songs, but
have been unable to get any details. Perhaps folks have heard the
recordings and can provide details.



P.S. If anyone sharing my interest in Sephardic music will be in Boston for
the Boston Early Music Festival, please contact me by email so we can
compare notes.

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