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Artsa Alinu

Dear Jewish Music List,

Can anyone tell me anything about an Israeli folk song I learned in Hebrew
school in the 1960s called "Artsa Alinu"?  I have the words and music and
translation.  What I'm looking for is information about its origin (when?
where?) and use.  How well known is the song now, in Israel and elsewhere?
Who sings it?

According to Coopersmith, and according to at least one choral publisher,
it is a public-domain folk song.  I am planning to arrange it for men's
chorus.  I was once told that "Artsa Alinu" was important to the Israeli
Boy Scouts -- that it was their marching song.  I think that may be
incorrect.  My guess is that it is/was a pioneer song that the Boy Scouts
also used.

Any information, leads, or tangents related to Artsa Alinu would be appreciated.

With thanks,

Nina Gilbert

Nina Gilbert
Music Department, University of California-Irvine
ngilbert (at) uci(dot)edu; NLGilbert (at) aol(dot)com
voice mail: 714-824-3854; department fax: 714-824-4914 (updated May 7)

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