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Re: Aleynu -- and the Bismark

>The melody sounds like the Intsy Wintsy Spider to me and I hate hearing
>in a prayer service.

For a while my synagogue was using "Edelweiss" melody for L'Chad Dodi. It
drove me crazy. If I hadn't already hated the tune I would have learned to.

There is a comic, Emil Cohen., who talks about singing Adon Olom to the
HAbanera from Carmen.

I think I have a recording of the 'Bismark' song and I will check it to see
if it is similar to the "Alenyu' that I assume is the one that is being

Eric Goldberg

ericgoldie (at) mhv(dot)net
5 Bakertown Road
Accord NY 12404
Ph./Fax 914 626-2530
Check out my lists of incredibly inexpensive records (@ $3). for sale. Just
email me.

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