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"Give Me Harmony"

Shalom, all.  Just bought a wonderful CD, "Give Me Harmony," featuring
lesser known gems by Shlomo Carlebach, z"l, sung by Ben Zion Solomon and
his seven sons, all of R' Shlomo's Moshav Modi'in.  As you know, R'
Shlomo often exhorted his audience to "give me harmony."  On this disk,
this family gives it beautifully.

Only one song on the album is not by R' Shlomo; called "Hesped(Eulogy),"
it was written by one of the Solomon sons.  It is haunting and
heartfelt, revealing why Shlomo Carlebach was loved by so many.

BTW, one can hear "Hesped" on  Let me know what
you think of it - and the album in general.


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