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Re: Krakowski debate/review etc.

(Sorry Naomi--trash this now)

Your latest posting states that you did not say:  "no authors of songs
that Krakowski sings went through the Holocaust".
Thats right; you did not.
What your review says (look at it!) is: "no songs here by or from Jewish
partisans during the Holocaust".   Same thing?  I don't think so. As I
have tried to point out, there happen to be TWO such songs, so what you
wrote is a LIE.  It is FALSE INFORMATION and MISREPRESENTS my work.

As far as my "imaginary" world goes:  First of all,  it is impossible
for something "imaginary" to be "gone" if it never existed.  Okay?  

By some strange and twisted thinking  you  would invalidate all Jewish
song prior to the Holocaust (and after) as being " victims' songs with
victims' pieties",  because they don't sing of killing Germans. ..(I'm
sure you would not have written the review you did if you understood the
Yiddish language). 

Attention Yiddish singers:  abandon your repertoires and learn all the
resistance songs you can find, so Ari can feel you are presenting a more
real portrayal of E. European Jewish life,  filled with the "strong"
people Ari says are entirely absent from my album. ( There is more to
strength than muscles and guns, Ari).  That means you klezmer players,
too, now.  All that simkhe music, Ari has pontificated, is "victims'"
music, too by his reasoning, created by "imaginary" "Anatevka"
characters. ( Too bad many of them are in "march time";  Ari will have
trouble dancing to them).
Ari, those songs and tunes  were written by real people in a real
context.  They did not come from Hollywood.  If the writers and
"characters" are  not "strong" enough for you,  you are only revealing 
your own neurotic  hangups.  Do you own a firearm?  Why not?  How can
you be considered "strong" if you don't have a gun?  How can you
consider "fighting back" if the time should come?  Better stock up now. 
You wouldn't want to be caught unprepared.  That wouldn't be very
"strong" of you. 

As far as the Holocaust is concerned:  with me, it is not an abstract
and academic "how we view it" situation.  I have a dead sister and a
decimated and damaged family.  The Holocaust is carved into my nervous
 Are you, too  from a survivor family?   Do you write  from PERSONAL
EXPERIENCE?  Or is it  just so much intellectual masturbation?

Blaybt mir gezunt und shtark,
Wolf Krakowski

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