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Shanachie records is proud to announce the release of "Klezmania: Klezmer
Music for the New Millenium" (Shanachie 67007) an exciting anthology of 13
cutting edge performances of avant-garde klezmer music. Featuring selections
by many of today's most innovative klezmer players including The Klezmatics,
Kapelye, Don Byron, The Paradox Trio, the New Orleans Klezmer All-Stars,
Frank London, the New Klezmer Trio plus Germany's Ahava Raba and Aufwind,
this collection ably demonstrates why klezmer is one of the hottest forms on
the world music scene. 
"Klezmania: Klezmer Music for the New Millenium"  was produced and annotated
by Henry Sapoznik and is currently available at better record stores
everywhere or by mail through Living Traditions 430 W. 14th St #514 NYC
10014. ($18.50 includes p/h)

H. Sapoznik
livetrads (at) aol(dot)com

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