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Re: Crumby Music


I don't know whether R. Crumb has had any direct connection with klezmer music
as such. I do know, however, that his piece entitled "Where Has It Gone, All
the Beautiful Music of Our Grandparents?" is a magnificent statement on ethnic
folk music in general, and is directly relevant to klezmer and the whole 
discussion about what it really is, what it's for, and where it's going.

"Where Has It Gone...?" first appeared in Weirdo Comics No. 14 (1985) but has
been reprinted in R. CRUMB DRAWS THE BLUES, a slim volume, highly worthwhile
but ridiculously expensive, published by Last Gasp (1993) -- ISBN 0-86719-401-4.

Itzik-Leyb Volokh (Jeffrey Wollock)

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