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Re: Classical

In article <0099D5A8(dot)2C23A548(dot)2 (at) Wittenberg(dot)EDU>,
Dan Kazez  <kazez (at) Wittenberg(dot)EDU> wrote:
>I find it amazing how many pieces of classical music have an 
>audible Jewish slant--Bloch, Bernstein, Bruch, etc.  But what's 
>the best?  What would you say are the 3 best works of classical 
>music related to Judaism?

That'd be  hard to tell because there's a lot out there that I just
haven't heard yet.  For instance, I've never heard any of smhoff (at) 
works (and he's probably never heard any of mine).  Steve Reich has written
quite a bit.  Schoenberg wrote a few.   Wolpe, too. 

                _        || Composer and educator
               / \  *    || URL:
               * |  *    || URL:mailto:fields (at) umich(dot)edu
Dr. Matthew H.  /  ields || Phone 313-936-7579 days, 313-769-4836 eves.

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