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Re: quit

>Hey folks,
>The problem is not the "" postings; the problem is the fact
>that we are receiving postings which are going out to ALL music NewsGroups,
>as you can see by the addresses on top of some of the postings.
>It is disgusting that some of the vulgarity we are receiving "incidentally"
>should reduce our enjoyment of the serious discussions which most of us
>want here.  Is there any way to limit postings to just those individually
>to our NewsGroup?
>                                                                Neil S.
>Cantor Neil Schwartz
>Katie Schwartz, B.S.I.
>schwartz (at) enter(dot)net

Agree, but so far the postings have been pretty much limited to two subject
listings (Korn and '95).  I just delete anything with those words in the
title before reading (if I had a mailer with filters, I'd do it
automatically).  It would be better to get them out of Jewish music
entirely, but the way I do it, it doesn't seem like such a much!

Mike Leavitt <mleavitt (at) his(dot)com>
Reston, VA

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