Mail Archive sponsored by Chazzanut Online


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Re: quit

>Hi, i don't blame you! i've had enough of the vulgarity, too. it's not
>what i signed up for from a Jewish music list! anyhow, i think you have
>to contact listserver at Let me know if it works! Joelle
>On Fri, 2 Feb 1996, Ruben Frankenstein wrote:
>> Stop the world, I want to go down. Is there any possibility to quit
>> this list. I would like to do so. I would be very obliged to you if
>> you see to that or tell me how I can quit this list.

Hey folks,

The problem is not the "" postings; the problem is the fact
that we are receiving postings which are going out to ALL music NewsGroups,
as you can see by the addresses on top of some of the postings.

It is disgusting that some of the vulgarity we are receiving "incidentally"
should reduce our enjoyment of the serious discussions which most of us
want here.  Is there any way to limit postings to just those individually
to our NewsGroup?
                                                                Neil S.

Cantor Neil Schwartz
Katie Schwartz, B.S.I.

schwartz (at) enter(dot)net

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