Mail Archive sponsored by Chazzanut Online


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Hey.  I just started subscribing to this list, and although the recent
plethora of "Korn" postings have made me wonder what this list is about,
I thought that you may be interested in hearing about the band I sing with.

The following is an excerpt from a press release:

The vocal group, LISTEN UP! A CAPPELLA, has enjoyed entertaining an 
expansive variety of audiences while continuing to elude definition for 
three years.  Rebecca (Klein) Singer, Steve Singer, Mike Mendelson, and 
Ron Packowitz deliver an eclectic, energetic mix of Jewish and secular 
musical songs and styles -- all in dynamic a cappella harmony.  It is a 
love of Judaism, unrelenting creativity, and a sense of humor that has 
enabled LISTEN UP! to perform for events including the Greater Chicago 
Jewish Folk Arts Festival and Hammond Jewish Community Festival, UJA and 
JUF special programs,  and a wide variety of private events for the 
Jewish community at large.  LISTEN UP! enjoys bringing the unexpected 
into their performances, delivering a revolution of old-to-new and back
again for audiences of all ages. 


That's kind of an intro. to what we're about.  If you are familiar with a 
cappella music... or Jewish a-cappella specifically, I think that we are 
a mix of the Klezmatics (not a cappella) and the Bobs.  As for our 
repertoire, it's a mix of 30-40% secular (popular/jazz/do-wop), and the 
rest a combination of Israeli popular, Chalutzi, Jewish Folk, Yiddish, 
Jewish parody and holiday music.  Those of you who are familiar with 
Pizmon, the Columbia U. a cappella group -- will recognize some of our
arrangements, as we have collaborated with Rob Scheinberg, who arranged
some of their music.  However, our mix of a "instrumental" approach to
our instrument-less arrangements, vocal percussion, and humor make us 
a very unique act.


For more information about LISTEN UP! call 312.973.3428 or email 
ssinger (at) bsd(dot)meddean(dot)luc(dot)edu(dot)

Next perfomance:  Saturday, Feb. 17th, 8:30 pm, Northbrook Theater
for ticket info, call 312-409-8850

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