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Re: 95 is over, what was the best album(s) of the year?

>Simple question, simple answer....

>The best album of 1995 is Ayreon by Arjen Anthony Lucassen. A briljant 
>Rock Opera. 
>Might be interesting to check for all you Zep and Rush-heads! Lucassen 
>is the former guitarist of Vengeance (a dutch Rock-group) who 
>unfortunately have split up. To record this opera he sold his house....

>Artists that partiticpate in this project are among others members of
>the Golden Earing, Focus, Gorefest and Kingdom Come.
>Lenny Wolf sings on one of the tracks. Yeah I know Plant would have been 
>a better alternative but I suppose he would have been to costly ......


>Komt tijd ......
>               Komt Coen!
You have to be kidding.  Rock you still live in the 80's?

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