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Topicality and language; recording

     I found the recent posting by "MAGICCOW" very offensive.  I thought this
list was to discuss Jewish music, not to see how much offensive language can
be packed into a single message without getting someone's subscription to the
list cancelled.  Can we please go back to topic, and skip the irrelevant,
hate-filled diatribes?
     Are there any rules about what's acceptable here?  I have a lovely 5MB
file from the Klan I've been dying to post somewhere ... ;-)

      Back to topic:  I've heard recordings of a tune for "Hamalach hagoel
osi" (might be more recognizable by its refrain, which begins "v'shem
avosai"), but didn't notice who did them.  Anyone know who's recorded it, and
have any comments on the albums?

Steve Albert (SAlbert (at) aol(dot)com)

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