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Re: Topicality and language; recording

On Fri, 20 Oct 1995 SAlbert (at) aol(dot)com wrote:

>       Back to topic:  I've heard recordings of a tune for "Hamalach hagoel
> osi" (might be more recognizable by its refrain, which begins "v'shem
> avosai"), but didn't notice who did them.  Anyone know who's recorded it, and
> have any comments on the albums?

The tune of "HaMal'ach" that you are familiar with is most likely the 
version recorded by D'veikus. I believe the album is D'veikus 4.

In general, the album as I remember it is chock-full of memorable tunes, 
destined to be played endlessly at simchas. Also on that album are "Lecha 
Dodi" and "Mi Bon Siach". It's a good listen, but can sound a bit 
homogenized after a while.

- Richie

/-----------[ sevrins (at) columbia(dot)edu / rs305 (at) columbia(dot)edu 
| Richard S. Sevrinsky | "Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?"|
| (212)305-2955        | "Well, I think so, Brain, but I can't memorize| 
|                      |   a whole opera in Yiddish!"  - Animaniacs    | 
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