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Re: Words to Hatikva

David Berger is a wonderful composer but not a "head of HaZamir".

His setting of Hatikvah for SATB chorus is very meaningful. The music can 
be purchased from HaZamir Publications, 35 Garland Road, Newton MA  
02159.  It is recorded (as well as two other versions of Hatikvah) by the 
Zamir Chorale of Boston Dr. Joshua Jacobson, conducting on their tape, 
The Songs We Sang. It is available from that same address.

I am sure that if you come to the North American Jewish Choral Festival 
at the Concord Hotel July 9-13 you will hear this piece sing by 300 
Jewish singers. It will be spectacular.  For information about the 
Festival contact The Festival Administrative Office at 212-249-0100 
extension 406.

Cantor Sheldon M. Levin
slevin (at) mciunix(dot)mciu(dot)k12(dot)pa(dot)us

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