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Seeking "Yerushalayim Sheli"

Shalom, All.  I've been searching for YEARS for an album called "Yerushalayim
Sheli," featuring songs by the brilliant Dan Almagor.  It was, I think, a
show/revue back in the early '70s.  The cast included Dani Granot.  The songs
included "Hayta Li Kos," "Imi, Hanelech Lirushalayim?", "Baalat Habayit," not
to mention the incredible title track.

If anyone knows how I could obtain a copy (LP, cassette or CD) of that album,
please let me know.  Those lyrics still swirl in my mind - and heart.

Chava Willig Levy
primerib1 (at) aol(dot)com

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