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Re: Words to Hatikva

Kol od baleivav p'nima
Nefesh Yehudi homiya
U-l'fa'atei, mizrach kadima
Ayin l'tziyon tzofia

Od lo avda tikvateinu
Hatikva sh'not alpayim
Lih'yot am chofshi b'artzeinu
Eretz tziyon Virushalayim.
Lih'yot am chofshi b'artzeinu
Eretz tziyon Virushalayim.

"So long as still within the inmost heart a Jewish spirit sings, so long
as the eye looks eastward, gazing toward Zion, our hope is not lost --
that hope of two millenia, to be a free people in our land, the land of
Zion and Jerusalem."

-- From the "1981 Songs NFTY Sings" Chordster, pt. 34. Text by Naphtali
Herz Imber.
Favorite Book Title:

"All I needed to know I learned from watching Star Trek"

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