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Re: Info on Mickey Katz? - sig.sig [1/1]

In article <3o0idf$ns2 (at) newsbf02(dot)news(dot)aol(dot)com>, smelmoth (at) 
aol(dot)com says:
>Greetings from a newbie looking for music information...
>Years ago a nightclub (probably Borscht Belt) performer named Mickey Katz
>put out some parody records including one of "I want to go where the wild
>goose goes" which I remember my grandparents howling with laughter at
>Does anyone know about them, or
>where in these days of CDs they might be available?
>Hope someone out there can help!

  Th Klezmer Conservator Band has TWO CDs with this song on it.
The first is "A Jumping Night In The Garden Of Eden", and the
second CD is a recent live anniversary album.  I highly suggest
heraing at least 1 CD from this group ;  They may well be the
best Klezemer performers in the world today.  (Lyrics are
included in the albums).

Robert Kaiser

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t++ 5+++ R G' tv+ b++ B-- e++++ u+ f+ r h+ y+

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