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Israeli Rock

I haven't heard two of the Shlomo Artzi discs that Herman Finkler
mentioned (Laila lo Shaket, and Tirkod), but Yareh is a terrific
disc.  It's not only my favorite Israeli CD, but one of my favorite
CD's period.  I think he recently came out with a 2-CD greatest
hits compilation.

The International Channel has a Hebrew program on Sunday afternoon
(from 12 to 3, I think).  They usually have a number of Israeli
videos ("clips"), especially between 2 and 3.  Unfortunately the
videos usually don't include the name of the artist or the song,
so I don't always know what I'm watching!  There was one on today
by a woman singer, and the song is probably called "Lo rahiti".
Anyone know who the singer might be?


krovetz (at) cs(dot)umass(dot)edu

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