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Re: Searching for a Source

Dale Heltzer) wrote:
>: I wonder if anyone could direct me to a source for a type of Jewish music
>: -- "falashan"(?) --
>: please forgive the spelling if it's wrong:  I haven't seen the word
>: spelled out.

"falasha" is a name for the Ethiopian Jews (most of which are now in
Israel).  They have an ancient and interesting music culture.  I am
familiar with an LP: "Le juifs d'Ethiopie" on Ocora (distributed by
Harmonia Mundi), and the list posted recently by Clarke Weigle from
Harmonia Mundi USA included a CD: "Jewish Ethiopian Liturgy" on Inedi.  You
can contact Weigle at:
         hmusa (at) netcom(dot)com

Howard Lenhoff wrote:
"Try Dr. Kay Selamay of Columbia University Music Dep[artment. She did her
Ph. D. thesis on music of the Ethiopian Jews ("Falashan"?) if that is
what you want. Also there are at least two recordings on Folkways music.
(Very old recordings.)"

That's Professor Kay Shelemay, and she is now in the Harvard Music
Department and yes, she is *the* authority on the music of the Falasha Jews
with several books on the subject.

Alexander Silbiger              919 660 3316
Duke University
lexsilb (at) acpub(dot)duke(dot)edu

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