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Re: missed tv show

I have seen this fact I was one of the people who submitted a 
"bio" which was used in the documentary.I am sorry to say that I am very 
disappointed with the program. I sat through the entire thing a number of 
times and found it to be choppy, poorly organized and rambling. However, 
the worst part (personally) was that my clip was edited in such a way as 
to make it not even remotely like the statement I made for the show. I 
discussed my progression toward Orthodoxy and how, today, I feel my role 
in the Jewish community (and knowledge) is less defined than when I stood 
before my congregation as a bat mitzvah. I attempted to discuss 
my personal maturation in light of a statement made by a 13 year old. 
Instead I came off sounding unconnected to Judaism and clueless. So, that's my
take on the show and just my $.02.
        Elizabeth Sarah Davis
                "You will do foolish things, but do them with enthusiasm."

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