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missed tv show

TV show: "Faith From Love, Not Hate---Understanding American Jewish
Identity---A New York Board of Rabbis Interfaith Broadcasting Commission
Program":  11 Dec. 1994, 5 am, in NYC, on NBC, and elsewhere at various other

Did anybody see this TV show?  Did anybody happen to tape it?
I go to my sister-in-law's when I want to see video...I have information
suggesting that my composition "Call of the Shofar" was used in this
program, but my contact with the organization seems to react to stress
by going into a shell and not answering any calls or messages...

Any info appreciated!


*Try this URL TOO:
                _        || Private Teacher of Music Composition and Theory.
               / \  0    || [See my tape at SKR Classical Records, AA, MI]
               o  | 0    || 1310 Packard St. No. 2, Ann Arbor, MI 48104 USA
Dr. Matthew H.   / ields || Phone 313-936-7935 days, 313-769-4836 eves.
               /         || Internet fields (at) eecs(dot)umich(dot)edu
*==finger me with the "-l" (or /W or "verbose") switch for more information==*

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