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The Jerusalem Great Synagogue Choir

The Jerusalem Great Synagogue Choir

The Jerusalem Great Synagogue Choir performs beautifully harmonized
arrangements for male choir a-cappella, of traditional Askenazik
Cantorial Liturgy.  The Choir is under the direction of Conductor
Elli Jaffe, and performs together with Cantor Naftali Herstik.
Raymond Goldstein is the official arranger.

The choir can be heard while on tour abroad, or at weekly prayer
services at the Great Synagogue of Jerusalem.  Services on Friday
night start 25 minutes after the beginning of the Sabbath, and
Saturday's services begin at 8:00 AM.

For information about the choir's performances abroad, and all other
queries, please contact any of the following sites.  CD's and
Cassettes are also available.

        The American Friends of the Jerusalem Great Synagogue Choir:
                e-mail: august (at) netvision(dot)net(dot)il
                or:     stowe (at) medlib(dot)hscbklyn(dot)edu
                fax:    (212)-289-6546/(212)-289-4748
                or      011-972-2-253285
                voice:  (212)-289-6546
                write to: Suite 6F,
                          185 East 85th Street,
                          New York, NY 10028,
                          Koresh 14B/18,
                          Jerusalem, 94144

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