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Baruch and Samuel Cohon

I got a release about the following :


Exciting New Release

from the AMerican Canorate's Father and SOn Stars

Laugh, Cry and SIng Along in English, Yiddish, Hebrew

L'dor V'Dor


Baruch and Samuel Cohon

with the Bob Remstein Orchestra

and Guest Appearances by the Ellis Island Klezmer Band

"Enjoy, Yiddish Folksongs, Hebrew Chants and ORiginal Dramatic and Comic
Songs of Jewish Life.  The Dlezmer SOund.

Can be ordered from SCB Records, POB 35092, :os Angeles, CA 90035

I have not heard these.  I thought that it might be of interest to someone.

Philip J. Leonard
mike (at) order(dot)ph(dot)utexas(dot)edu

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