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Re: An idea on Israeli music

I appreciate your offer to provide information on Israeli musicians.
While remaining cognizant that this is a list about Jewish music, and
that not all Israeli music is inherently Jewish music, I have been
curious to see if anybody could tell me more about Shlomit Aharon.

 I understand she was a star in musical theater before recording her
1989 album. I've been curious about her following in Israel: Is she
considered an act for college students, young adults? Her sound
reminds me of some of the synth-dominated, British Gothic alternative
bands. Has sshe releassed another album sisnce 1989?

Any information would be appreciated.

Barry Friedman
The Ledger
Lakeland FL

worldbeat (at) aol(dot)com
barryf (at) freenet(dot)fsu(dot)edu


Topic No. 12

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