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Re: Listing of albums by Israeli artists?

In article <1994Jan12(dot)112011(dot)27822 (at) 
Michael Ilan Doctors <mdoctors (at) nyx10(dot)cs(dot)du(dot)edu> wrote:
>       I have some of Gidi Gov's, Mashina's and Ethnix's albums.
>I was wondering if anybody out there could post a list of their backcatalogue.
>In other words could someone compile a list of ALL of the albums that these
>artists have released?

>       Thanks, ILAN

Yee gads, a name from the past! I got his and Danny Samuelson's autograph
about 12 years ago, at either a Gazooz or a Poogy concert (who remembers

Danny Samuelson embarrassed the hell out of me, and had fun doing it. I was
talking with my cousin (in english) and he listned in too the whole thing
pretending he didn't understand until the end, when he made comments about
my crush on Gidi Gov.

Hey, has the soundtrack for Ha'lakah (The band) come out on CD? My album is
pretty banged up by now.

That and I would love to get a CD of Kevish Ha'sheesha Asar (the 16th lamb).

Rebecca Anne Radnor               //  I know everything,
Dept. of Anthropology, NU         //  I know nothing,
Japlady= Jewish American Princess //  I used to put sticks under the back porch
        and Japan-ophile          //    and wait for them to petrify.


Topic No. 5

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