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Re: Listing of albums by Israeli artists?

In article <2h1e5o$jc3 (at) news(dot)acns(dot)nwu(dot)edu>, japlady (at) 
casbah(dot)acns(dot)nwu(dot)edu (Rebecca Radnor) writes:

> Yee gads, a name from the past! I got his and Danny Samuelson's autograph
> about 12 years ago, at either a Gazooz or a Poogy concert (who remembers
> now?)

> Danny Samuelson embarrassed the hell out of me, and had fun doing it. I was
> talking with my cousin (in english) and he listned in too the whole thing
> pretending he didn't understand until the end, when he made comments about
> my crush on Gidi Gov.

> Hey, has the soundtrack for Ha'lakah (The band) come out on CD? My album is
> pretty banged up by now.

> That and I would love to get a CD of Kevish Ha'sheesha Asar (the 16th lamb).

Danny Samuelson changed his name to Dany Senderson. It was at the time of his
own birth , some 40 years ago. He did that because his mother and father were
called Senderson , and he felt that life and burocracy will be much easier if
their names matched.

12 years ago it was Gazoz.


PS: Everything is on CD now.


Topic No. 8

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