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Re: Info on Jewish music

dano (at) panix(dot)com (dano (at) panix(dot)com) wrote:
: In <2gk79b$o0b (at) charm(dot)magnus(dot)acs(dot)ohio-state(dot)edu> semartin 
(at) magnus(dot)acs(dot)ohio-state(dot)edu (Sean A Martin) writes:

: >Any recommendations?  Who, in your opinion, are the most important artists
: >making Jewish music today?  Anyone have strong opinions on the definition of
: >Jewish music?  How difficult is this music to find in the United States?  Any
: >mail order?  (The Jewish Book Center of the Workmen's Circle has a good
: >collection of Yiddish music, but they don't seem to have much--in Yiddish or
: >Hebrew--that's contemporary.)

: >Hope this generates some discussion.

: >Sean

: I guess the question is: what exactly is Jewish music? Anything sung or
: performed by a Jewish artist? The answer must be no, otherwise everything
: by Billy Joel would be "Jewsih Music." This, of course, begs the question:
: is all music sung by Israeli's "Jewish" music? No, also.

: So there must be something about the piece, itself, that makes it Jewish.
: Could a non-Jew write Jewish music? A lot of so-called "Jewish" music
: started out as Gentile tunes that were then adopted by Jews and used with
: Hebrew or Yiddish. The tunes for Maoz Tzur and the Miserlou (Jewish
: wedding standard) are two good examples.

: So, is every song by Nurit Galron "Jewish" music? Hmmm...

: Anyway, there is plenty of Jewish music books and tapes/CDs available.
: Call Tara Publications at 516-295-2290. They are the largest publisher of
: Jewish music books outside Israel, with over 160 titles. They have a large
: mail-order catalog and supply Judaica stores worldwide.

: Dan

Here is a question then. Would NFTY/BBYO remakes of songs, or original
compositions be "jewish" music? And if so, where would I get any albums of
this? *Misses those days and the music. It has always been my favorite*

mtanen (at) seas(dot)gwu(dot)edu  "One Never Knows what Will Happen, Could 
  The Lorad           or Should Happen, But they try to Change it Anyway"
tanenhaus (at) enews(dot)nrl(dot)navy(dot)mil


Topic No. 8

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