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> I am looking for a recording of Moishe Oysher singing "Rumania,
> Rumania"? CD would be ideal, but other media are ok, too.
> Any help out there?

Perhaps.  I just got the new catalog from HaTaklit in LA.  (They sell
Jewish music, books, videos, etc, as well as other international stuff.)

Their catalog lists five Moishe Oysher recordings in its Cantorial
section, one of them might have Rumania.  They're all on cassette, it
seems.  One reason for my posting this is to note that HaTaklit has a
new 800-number, 1-800-HATAKLIT (1-800-428-2554).  Their prices are a
bit expensive, but they have the goods.  ($10/casette, $20/CD).

Was it a filmclip of Aaron Lebedeff singing Rumania in "a Jumpin'
Night in the Garden of Eden" (the KCB/Kapelye documentary)?
It sounded like the definitive rendition.

        geven a mol a land a ziseh a sheineh!


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