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Re: "Rumania, Rumania", Moishe Oysher

>I am looking for a recording of Moishe Oysher singing "Rumania, Rumania."

I wasn't aware that Oysher did it. To the best of my very, very
limited knowledge, the original was sung by Aaron Lebedeff. There
is a good recording of Lebedeff singing the song available on Banner
Recordings in both CD and cassette. The package is just called
"Aaron Lebedeff." It comes with no liner notes or anything (thank
you Banner for continuing your tradition of packaging great music
as though it were shlock). Catalog on my CD is: "BAS-CD-1007."
It appears to be generally available in Judaica shops. In the Bay
Area, it pops up occasionally at Afikomen or bob & bob, and even
in Tower Records (in whatever section they place klez this week).

jmusic (at) israel(dot)nysernet(dot)org


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