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Da'agoh Menayin...

Hi all.

>  As to the origin of the words,
> I'm not too sure, I heard two possible sources. 1) The Kuzari by R. Yehudah
> Halevi or 2) Chassidic in origin. I think it's probably the former b/c it's
> a very philosophical statement. Kol Tuv.

I heard that it was from a Ramban, but I don't know where.

> Mo'adim L'Simcha!

Chagim u'zmanim l'sasson!

>            Zev

      Art Werschulz
      InterNet:  agw (at) cs(dot)columbia(dot)edu
      ATTnet:    Columbia University (212) 939-7061
                 Fordham University  (212) 636-6325


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