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Da'agoh Menayin...

The words, as transliterated by me to the song are.....
He'avar Ayin,
Ve'he'asid 'Adayin,
Ve'hahoveh Keheref 'Ayin,
Da'agah Menayin?

That was also one of the major songs at the Simchat Beit HaShoavah at the YU
SBH tonite. It's a pretty good dancing song. As to the origin of the words,
I'm not too sure, I heard two possible sources. 1) The Kuzari by R. Yehudah
Halevi or 2) Chassidic in origin. I think it's probably the former b/c it's
a very philosophical statement. Kol Tuv. Mo'adim L'Simcha!


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