Mail Archive sponsored by Chazzanut Online


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[no subject]


Here is a list of all the lists that nysernet knowsw about. To join any
of them, send the message

sub listname yourname

to listserv (at) nysernet(dot)org(dot)

For the two you want, you would send the following message:

sub israeline Zvi Josman
sub israel-mideast Zvi Josman

> Here is the current active list of the 23 mailing lists served by this
> server:

> scj (at) israel(dot)nysernet(dot)org              soc.culture.jewish newsgroup
> sefarad (at) israel(dot)nysernet(dot)org         Sefardic Electronic Archive
> jem (at) israel(dot)nysernet(dot)org             Jewish Electronic Mail
> jem-mod (at) israel(dot)nysernet(dot)org         Jewish List Moderators
> israeline (at) israel(dot)nysernet(dot)org       Israel press clippings via 
> the Israel Consulate
> israel-mideast (at) israel(dot)nysernet(dot)org  Media clips, editorials and 
> information on Israel and the Middle East
> ajin-board (at) israel(dot)nysernet(dot)org      Ongoing online meeting of 
> the AJIN Board of Directors
> mail-jewish (at) israel(dot)nysernet(dot)org     Mail.Jewish Mailing List on 
> Jewish and Halakhic Issues
> uja (at) israel(dot)nysernet(dot)org             United Jewish Appeal Mailing 
> List
> hillel (at) israel(dot)nysernet(dot)org          Hillel Mailing List
> bytetorah (at) nysernet(dot)org              A Byte of Torah
> jai (at) nysernet(dot)org                    Jewish Activism Initiative
> folk_music (at) nysernet(dot)org             Folk Music Mailing List
> its-l (at) nysernet(dot)org                  Industrial Technology Services 
> Discussion List
> wiphys (at) nysernet(dot)org                 APS Committee on the Status of 
> Women in Physics List
> k-12conx (at) nysernet(dot)org               K-12 Connection Mailing List
> train1 (at) nysernet(dot)org                  training list
> train2 (at) nysernet(dot)org                  training list
> daf-yomi (at) nysernet(dot)org               Discussions of daily page of 
> Talmud
> kol-isha (at) israel(dot)nysernet(dot)org        Halachic questions and 
> issues concerning women's roles in Judaism
> yavneh-na (at) israel(dot)nysernet(dot)org       Yavneh North America
> isrecon (at) israel(dot)nysernet(dot)org         description to be supplied
> jewish-music (at) israel(dot)nysernet(dot)org    World music from a Jewish 
> slant.

> In addition, the following remote lists are known to this server:

> mendele (at) yalevm(dot)ycc(dot)yale(dot)edu  (Listserv address: listserv 
> (at) yalevm(dot)ycc(dot)yale(dot)edu)  Yiddish literature and language
> ju-da (at) barilvm(dot)bitnet         (Listserv address: listserv (at) 
> barilvm(dot)bitnet)       Judaica and Databases
> faigin (at) aero(dot)org              (Listserv address: faigin (at) 
> aero(dot)org)               Liberal Judaism
> camel-l (at) sakfu00(dot)bitnet       (Listserv address: listserv (at) 
> sakfu00(dot)bitnet)       Camel Studies
> judaica (at) unminn1(dot)bitnet       (Listserv address: listserv (at) 
> uminn1(dot)bitnet)        Judaic Studies
> ivritex (at) taunivm(dot)tau(dot)ac(dot)il    (Listserv address: listserv 
> (at) taunivm(dot)tau(dot)ac(dot)il)    Hebrew Tex List
> ioudaios (at) yorkvm1(dot)bitnet      (Listserv address: listserv (at) 
> yorkvm1(dot)bitnet)       Judaism in the Graeco- Roman world
> il-ads (at) taunivm(dot)tau(dot)ac(dot)il     (Listserv address: listserv 
> (at) taunivm(dot)tau(dot)ac(dot)il)    Noncommercial want-ads in Israel
> il-board (at) taunivm(dot)tau(dot)ac(dot)il   (Listserv address: listserv 
> (at) taunivm(dot)tau(dot)ac(dot)il)    General Purpose Bulletin Board related 
> to the Israeli academia
> ilan-h (at) taunivm(dot)bitnet        (Listserv address: listserv (at) 
> taunivm(dot)bitnet)       Discussion in and about Hebrew in the network.
> hebrew-l (at) uminn1(dot)bitnet       (Listserv address: listserv (at) 
> uminn1(dot)bitnet)        Jewish and Near Eastern studies.
> e-hug (at) dartcms1(dot)bitnet        (Listserv address: listserv (at) 
> dartcms1(dot)bitnet)      Electronic Hebrew Users Group
> cj-l (at) uacsc2(dot)albany(dot)edu       (Listserv address: listserv (at) 
> uacsc2(dot)albany(dot)edu)    Conservative Judaism
> aliya (at) taunivm(dot)tau(dot)ac(dot)il      (Listserv address: listserv 
> (at) taunivm(dot)tau(dot)ac(dot)il)    Aliyah in SCIENCE Newsletter
> alephint (at) taulib(dot)tau(dot)ac(dot)il    (Listserv address: listserv 
> (at) taulib(dot)tau(dot)ac(dot)il)     International ALEPH Users List
> jewishnt (at) bguvm(dot)bitnet        (Listserv address: listserv (at) 
> bguvm(dot)bitnet)         Jewish Global Information Network Project
> baltuva (at) mcgill1(dot)bitnet       (Listserv address: listserv (at) 
> mcgill1(dot)bitnet)       Issues & questions of concern to observant Jews.
> pjml (at) utxvm(dot)cc(dot)utexas(dot)edu     (Listserv address: listserv 
> (at) utxvm(dot)cc(dot)utexas(dot)edu)  Progressive Jewish Mailing List

> Total number of remote lists: 18
> Requests sent to this server for these remote lists will be forwarded
> to the servers serving these lists.

Avi Feldblum
ayf (at) pruxp(dot)att(dot)com   or  avi_feldblum (at) att(dot)com

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