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Re: purim shpiels

Judy --
I'd love to know what you have -- any takeoffs on B'way musicals?  Any
Motown Purims?  I'll take anything you're willing to share.  Unfortunately,
I won't be at CAJE.

At 07:12 PM 6/22/98 -0500, you wrote:
>Hey, Abby.  I've got a bunch of them.  Let me know what you want, okay?
>If you're going to be at CAJE this year, I'm doing a workshop on my
>plays, as well as on my music curriculum.  You're welcome to join.  That
>workshop is entitled "Purim spiels and other Deals."
>Abby and Michael Gostein wrote:
>> Does anyone have good resources for musical Purim shpiels?
>> Abby Gostein

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