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[HANASHIR:15242] Re: High Holy Day choices

Thanks for the clarification... I misunderstood what you meant by "dumbing
down"... it seems we're in total agreement then.  Personally, I prefer MORE
Hebrew and MORE singing, even if it means longer services.  I often find
myself totally frustrated at services because we skip prayers and too many
of the songs are overly choir-like and difficult to join in on.

-----Original Message-----
From: Laura Ferguson [mailto:allenderl (at) acm(dot)org] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2003 9:40 AM
To: hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org
Subject: [HANASHIR:15221] Re: High Holy Day choices

At 07:08 AM 9/2/2003 -0400, you wrote:
>< it seems to me that succumbing to pressure to shorten services or dumb
>them down is a mistake.  Wouldn't it be better to bring the congregation to
>a new level?  If we respect ourselves and the service than others will
>respect it too.>
>I really object to this implication that singing newer melodies is a form
>"dumbing down" our services!

Careful.  This is a complete misinterpretation of what I said.  I would 
NEVER consider singing "newer melodies" dumbing down anything.  On the 
contrary the trend towards removing prayers, never doing anything new, and 
reducing to zero the amount of Hebrew used and never ever introducing 
"new"  or "new-old" traditions -- now that is dumbing down a service.


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