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[HANASHIR:15241] RE: Sukkot song

Shlock Rock does the ushpizin to John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt on their 
Kids album.   the kids I teach love it.   it can be adapted for imahot as 

I wrote a simple ushpizin song around 8 years ago for the same reason - 
didn't know of any, so I wrote my own.  it first has the traditional aramaic 
from the ushpizin ceremony and then english words to the same melody which I 
probably subconcisouly borrowed from a conglomorate of old chalutzim songs... 
write to me and I'll dig it up and sing it to you on the phone or something... 
one of these days I'll record all my childrens songs - most of which I write 
when I can't find a song for something...   I also have a sukkot song about the 
4 species - same deal.
there are also several Israeli songs that I use (I teach at a day school) 
that mention having guests in the sukkah, but of course they're all hebrew....
Raquel Gershon

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