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[HANASHIR:15194] High Holy Day choices

I want to discuss something with all of you that is beginning to bother me.
That is, that as the years pass (I've been a cantorial soloist for 26
years), I have been noticing that (Reform) congregations I've sung for seem
to be less and less able to tolerate/appreciate/enjoy long recitative-type
chants.  I am really torn, because 1) they are part of our heritage, 2) they
are beautiful expressions of the prayers, and 3) they are personally
challenging and satisfying.  I feel a pressure to switch to "easier
listening" renditions, but every time I drop a traditional piece from the
repetoire, I know it will have vanished from the aural memories of the
congregation forever.

Any comments?

Janet Pape
Cantorial Soloist

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