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[HANASHIR:14211] Re: sound system

There is a small amplifier out called a Maxi-Mouse - works on a 
rechargeable battery - all the street buskers use it - I have one - it's 
great - has two inputs. Seems to be something comparable out by CRATE 
called the Taxi.


At 05:27 PM 5/7/2003 -0700, you wrote:
>We are having a bar-b-cue at a local park in honor of our new Cantor.  The 
>park has no elecrticity and we want him to be able to sing -- as well as 
>some of his friend want to sing.
>Suggestions for a battery operated sound system?  He also sings Kareoke 
>and we need something for his CD's.
>Rabbi Richard I Schachet
>Valley Outreach Synagogue
>The past has a vote, not a veto.  M. M.Kaplan z'l

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