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[HANASHIR:14217] Re: sound system

This query prompts me to reply on a number of points.

1.  There is no battery-operated sound system which will sound good.  If 
you want a sound system, the best solution would be to find a converter 
which can run from a car battery;

2.  The human voice can carry pretty well on its own, especially the voice 
of one who is trained to project.  Were I involved in the planning of this 
event, I would let the people who want to listen listen and to heck with 
the rest of them;

3.  Those who would use a sound system in a social setting are in effect 
saying "What I'm doing is more important than what you're doing," and those 
who talk and make noise during such a performance are saying the same.  The 
result is noise.

Don't mean to offend anyone.  My band played at the community Yom Haatzmaut 
celebration yesterday, and my comments are prompted from this and similar 

Kol tuv,

At 05:27 PM 5/7/2003 -0700, you wrote:
>We are having a bar-b-cue at a local park in honor of our new Cantor.  The 
>park has no elecrticity and we want him to be able to sing -- as well as 
>some of his friend want to sing.
>Suggestions for a battery operated sound system?  He also sings Kareoke 
>and we need something for his CD's.
>Rabbi Richard I Schachet
>Valley Outreach Synagogue
>The past has a vote, not a veto.  M. M.Kaplan z'l

Andy Curry, Kansas City
acurry (at) lenexa(dot)sema(dot)slb(dot)com

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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