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[HANASHIR:14131] Re: Information about GTM

To any interested individuals: The Guild of Temple Musicians (an 
affiliate of the American Conference of Cantors) includes singers, 
cantorial soloists, organists, choir directors, composers, 
congregational music educators, and others who are interested in 
music for use in the synagogue and the congregational or private 
school. Membership vice-president is
Art Bloom who can be reached at <art (at) thebloomagency(dot)com>. In 
conjunction with the ACC, we hold an annual conference (this year in 
New York City the first week of July), sponsor an annual composition 
competition (with cash award, performance, and publication 
possibilities for the winner), and have other activities.  Join 
us--you won't regret it!
        Burton Zipser, V.P.-Publicity

------------------------ hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org -----------------------+

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