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[HANASHIR:14128] Top Jewish Recordings

what a great idea.... to share with one another some of our own personal 
picks for great recordings.  Obviously mine is not a deifinitive list, but 
they are what i listen to most often lately.

1) Noam Katz's "Rakia"-  get in the car, put the volume on 9, and start 
2) Craig Parks' "Teen Shabbat Jam"--  all your favorite hava nashira melodies 
with craig's amazing arrangements. would you believe his band is comprised of 
his youth group...WOW!  
3) Craig Taubman's "One Shabbat Morning" -  check out his "mi shebeirach." my 
congregation is loving it.
4) Danny Maseng's "Labor of Love"-  Danny's melodies are perfectly wed to the 
liturgy.... and what a voice!
5) Rick Recht's "Free to be the Jew in Me"-this groundbreaker is full of new 
classics for the religious school.  and it's lots of fun on your computer.    

i would love to know what everyone else is listening to lately.  thanks, 
scott, for begginning this very usesful thread.

-steve hummel
cantorial soloist
sha'arei am 
santa monica, ca

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